Monday, November 24, 2008


When I first started writing this book I was targeting the Harlequin SuperRomance line, then I changed to single title. And now, pages from what I believed was going to be the finish product of many long hours writing, I decided to change back to my original plan, H S. So what did I have to do? Put my MS on a crash diet. I've trimmed it down by 30 pages so far (it may not sound a lot, but when you find writing as hard as I do, it's a lot.) I must admit though, that by trimming it down I also trimmed out a lot of unnecessary plots that weren't moving the story along or developing the characters in anyway, so I think this crash diet was a good decision in the end.

As a writer I create characters in my head and tell their story through the books I write. But one thing I learnt quickly, is that I may be the one whose fingers are typing away at the keyboard, but the characters are the ones that are telling their story. They have their own personalities with their own thoughts and opinions. Like my secondary characters for instant. Three-quarters of the way through telling their story, in this storyline, they decide to tell me, we feature in this book to much, let us tell our own story in the next book. Guess what? After weeks of trying to work out what was bothering me about their participation in this book, they themselves are the ones to point it out. They were one hundred percent right. Even though I had planned to tell their story next, (second book in a series of five) I had concentrated on introducing them too heavily in this book. Now the main characters have the focus put back on them.

What do I find hard about writing?

As a person who classes themselves as a full-time writer, you would think that I would enjoy words, well I have to admit, they frustrate me. Well maybe not words themselves, but my lack of education when it comes to writing them down on paper. I can handle the spelling (thanks to spellcheck that's not to much of a problem, and the more I write the better I get), but when it comes to grammar I am atrocious at it, (and that's with a grammar tutor.) I've heard that the English language is one of the hardest languages to write, I have to say I agree, the meaning and pronunciation of words when there are so many with the same spelling but different meanings, is darn right confusing. I get frustrated when I have words in my head that are begging to be on paper, and yet I struggle to grant them their wish.

My struggle with words is the reason why it takes me forever to write a book, it's two paragraphs forward and one page back for me, but as much as I write and delete, write and delete, I believe it is making me a stronger person and writer. So its not all bad.

I AM NOT GIVING UP! They say practice makes perfect.

It took me years of soul searching to find out who I am as a person, (I always hated writing HOMEMAKER in the forms that ask, what is your occupation?) The day I realised writing is who I am, I was both surprised and pleased, mostly for the above reasons I thought I wouldn't be any good at this. But when I dug deep into my past, I remembered spending a lot of time writing short stories (back then Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys were the in thing,) and also that the only A I remember getting at school was for a book report I did on The Diary Of Anne Frank.

Since I started writing I have become more confident within myself, and that in itself is well worth the frustration and struggle I battle through everyday.

PS. Now I don't mind filling out the occupation section because I can answer: WRITER.

PSS. You would not believe how long it took me to write this post, over an hour.

Well that's enough of my ramblings, enjoy your day and happy writing.

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